About Us

    About Us – Indian Antique Quest offers Quintessentials of nostalgic prodigy. As the name signifies, we are on a constant quest for Objects through & their history, sourced through the adventurous journey made across the country. From direct sources (Yes that’s our specialty as we are more interested in the story & history of the article), like old bungalows, colonial estates, palatial homes, yard sales, renovation sites. Many times the journey being perilous, but the tireless time trial hunt helps us bring back articles with profound memories and timeless tales from the past.

    About us CEO – Indian Antique Quest headed by our Visionary Founder CEO Mr Sridhar Marappan, an Academician & Researcher, who has traveled the lengths & breadths of the country for academic research, has gained much inputs on cultural objects, their cultural significance, along with their historic background.

    INCEPTION – Indian Antique Quest incepted in 2015 as a community blog, grew to an online store in 2016, and now has a dedicated Retail outlet at Annur to Mettuppalayam road, Pogalur.


    COMMITMENT – At IAQ we are committed to provide authentic products personally hand picked from our Quest.

    Our well trained Staff team are experts in curating each piece along with the background story & history, meticulously with passion & dedication.

    We follow our intuition, we select the best ones with positive vibe, so at IAQ we make sure that whatever we source is a good luck yielder, So that the end user will derive immense benefits and good luck, also we do clean then organically and make sure they are 100% Food safe and 100% usable the way they were made for.

    About us
